You are welcome to reach out to us with any suggestions you may have on how to improve our websites and the presented reports, inform on game discrepancies, or share any offers to be partners and work together. Our helpful and courteous staff is ready to help you Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 AM and 5 PM, PST.
You can contact us by sending an email to and we will use the opportunity to respond to your inquiries. I am happy to receive good comments from our players and partners and also ready to hear the opposite side for making the best user experience.
Another way to reach us is through social media, where we post news, updates, and sometime post an important announcement. Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and tag us on Instagram to be updated with the new released games, special offers and our upcoming events.
Thank you for your interest in our platform and it would be our pleasure to hear from you. Let us then coordinate and make the next level of interaction in gaming much more stimulating and fun for everyone.